Henry Zhu: Zhu Fast Zhu Furious {Melbourne International Comedy Festival} – Comedy Review

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Sydney comedian Henry Zhu is fearless although a little bit nervous in his show – Zhu Fast Zhu Furious.

But what is Zhu Fast Zhu Furious about? The promo art has a picture Zhu looking bad ass in front of a car. Although, this doesn’t really have anything to do with Henry Zhu’s show perse, it is just a play on words.

Performing at Tasma Terrace, Henry Zhu dishes out joke after joke in a constant rapid-fire style. Still new to the scene, Zhu has his unique appeal and comedy approach which consists of dripping disdain self-depreciating humour. Despite poking fun at himself and being very blunt and consistent with his delivery, Henry Zhu is still likeable and you want to pay attention to him in the intimate room and hear everything he has to tell you.

Working both sides of the room, Zhu even has a funny story of mistaken identity that had the room in a riot. When Henry Zhu ran to the other side on the room to share with us a familiar face on a glowing laptop, we understood Zhu’s scenario predicament and was in the thick of the moment along with him. However, due to the room set up and the bright lights purposefully lit to focus on the main stage, I couldn’t actually see Henry properly when he was on the other side of the room to tell this particularly with his prop and this was due to being blinded by the bright lights.

Critically speaking, Henry Zhu has the talents and smarts to grow as a promising comedian. I believe his jokes do need a little time to savour and breathe in between before kicking into the next one but this can be easily tinkered with into his show and his craft.

Jumping through topics of crushes, relationships, mental health and sleep, Henry Zhu, in his Melbourne International Comedy Festival debut, stuns with a few gems up his sleeve.

Henry Zhu is performing at Tasma Terrace as part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival until April 21st.
For more information and ticketing, please visit:

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