The Quiet is an animated short created by Perth film maker, Radheya Jegatheva. With several of his films selected for over a dozen Academy Award Qualifying festivals, it is easy to see why Jegatheva is one filmmaker that shouldn’t go un-noticed.
Loosely based on another short film titled ‘Silence’, The Quiet tells the story of an Astronaut floating in space as he runs though his thoughts whilst floating in the vast, silent expanse of the universe.
As a short film, there is not much that can be told about this story without giving it away. However, the animation is amazingly brilliant. Jegatheva cleverly incorporates visuals of our universe into everyday objects to tell the story; from a fast-moving camera pan across the stars to mimic the sight of rain, to the sun appearing as a stove is turned on, and even Saturn’s rings as a record player.
The Quiet is also a unique look into the mind of anyone that is left alone with their own thoughts, how their mind wanders through the events of their past and how they can create scenarios that take them to another place to escape isolation.
This short from Jegatheva is visually stunning and the twist towards the end of the film will leave you questioning all of the events that preceded that point. The Quiet definitely deserves your attention and I hope to see more from Radheya Jegatheva in the future.
The Quiet will be screening as part of the Sydney Film Festival from June 10th to the 21st.
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