Game Night is an action comedy crime film starring Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams. The story follows couple Max and Annie, a competitive couple that frequently hold game night gatherings with their friends. When Max’s brother Brooks played by Kyle Chandler comes to town and hosts a game night, the group of friends find themselves on one chaotic adventure where nobody is sure what is part of the game and what is real.
Now I’m not much of a comedy person, but the company I was with were laughing a whole lot throughout the entirety of the movie. There were many funny moments, but all funny moments weren’t randomly placed like many comedy films, but instead all essential parts to the storyline. I found the chemistry between Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams very natural and they really worked well together.
But the winner for the film was the screenplay. I found Game Night to be very original and very clever. I mean, the jokes perhaps not so much, but the story itself and the twists and turns help make this comedy into a fun and entertaining journey. Game Night is good and highly recommended for those who love comedy films, are a fan of the actors and want something funny yet refreshingly unpredictable to watch.
Haven’t laughed this hard in agesssss RACHEL McAdams did AWESOME in this role!