“Cloud Atlas” is a drama mystery sci-fi film by The Wachowskis (known best for creating “The Matrix” film series) and is based on the novel of the same title by David Mitchell.
It’s really difficult on where to begin when it comes to Cloud Atlas, there is nothing like it. Not one story, but several, Cloud Atlas expresses the idea of reincarnation with the thought that we are all connected. The film does this well by having every actor play a number of different roles in the multiple storylines. Although all tales in the film are different, each story shares the concept of friendship, anger, pain, loss and love. Cloud Atlas boldly makes the statement that everything we do and the choices that we make effect the past, present and future.
The cinematography and special effects are amazing. The costumes and sets help set worlds apart, making it easy for viewers to differentiate the different timelines and characters when scenes change. The make-up is great, done to make obviouswhich actor is which in different storylines, and to still connect all the characters together.
The acting in this film is brilliant. With a talented star-studded cast such as Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Doona Bae, Ben Whishaw, Keith David, James D’Arcy, Xun Zhou, David Gyasi, Susan Sarandon and Hugh Grant, it is difficult for me to choose a best performance. The acting in this film is solid. But if I had to pick a favourite, I definitely would say that Tom Hanks is superb and almost barely recognisable with the different characters he portrays. He really is an amazing actor, one of the best.
I understand that this film is not for everyone. I have seen a lot of mixed reviews. You either love it or you hate it – there is no in between. But I daresay that if you have seen this film and hate it, you probably weren’t in the right mood nor clever enough to follow or understand the true beauty behind this masterpiece. A lot of questions will be raised and will follow you after viewing this piece as they did with me, but the main message is clear. We are all connected.
A story of love, friendship, loss, death and rebirth – I predict that this underrated film will gain a cult following by those alive and unborn, and be praised and appreciated in years to come – for which it deserves.
“Cloud Atlas” is by far one of the best films I have ever seen and I can’t wait to see it again. Although the stories are fictional, the emotions portrayed are entirely relatable. I agree with the thought that everything we do and the choices we make effect our past, present and future. The whole concept and way of thinking make living life sound powerful and inspiring. In fact, I have been inspired enough to desire picking up the book because I want more. If you love sci-fi and films that make you really think, then this one is definitely one to watch.