The Snowman is a crime-thriller film based on the novel of the same name and ‘Harry Hole series’ by Jo Nesbo. The film follows detective Harry Hole with his quest to try hunt down a serial killer that is targeting women.
Harry Hole played by Michael Fassbender is a dysfunctional detective who is not only picking up the puzzle pieces of the case, but is also picking up the puzzle pieces of his life. I like Michael Fassbender but his movies aren’t consistent and are sometimes hit or miss. In ‘The Snowman’, I don’t really care much for his character. We don’t really get to see inside Harry Hole’s head and understand him.
Despite the small cast, we aren’t really invested in the other characters of the film either. Instead, what The Snowman offers is a mystery to be solved with a pretty decent plot line that is flawed by its movie adaptation script and poor directing. The characters all feel empty and soulless, much like the entirety of this film.
The Snowman has all the tools and potential to be great but falls short. Although I did enjoy it, I left the cinema feeling I really missed out on a great novel. And it’s too late to read it now.