Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse – Film Review

Everyone thinks of ‘Peter Parker’ when they think of ‘Spider-Man’. But Peter Parker isn’t the only Spider-Man in the comic-book universe (actually far from it) and Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse is the perfect introduction for non-comic book readers to not only Miles Morales’ Spider-Man but other alternate versions of Spider-Man such as Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy), Spider-Noir, Spider-Ham and SP//dr (Peni Parker). Before you start to think that these characters were only created to accompany Miles in the film storyline, don’t. All these characters including Miles already existed long before the film. It is great to finally see them on the big screen and you know what, they’re all pretty crazy and awesome.

Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse follows Miles Morales, a half-black and half-Hispanic artistic teenager from Brooklyn who is struggling to adjust to his new elite boarding school under the pressure of his parents with their high expectations. A bit of a loner, Miles finds understanding and companionship in his Uncle Aaron who is the opposite of his father, Jefferson. While Uncle Aaron is laid back and quite lawless, Jefferson is a police officer who believes Spider-Man is a menace to society.

Understandably, Miles is young and still struggling with who he is as person and where he fits in the world, but things become a lot more complicated when Miles is bitten by a genetically modified spider and develops superhero abilities. Finding his powers hard to believe, Miles decides to go back to where he was bitten to try make sense of the situation. He ends up witnessing the untethering of the parallel universes as well as the death of Peter Parker’s Spider-Man. This chaotic phenomenon and awful turn of events does have its merits, it brings Miles friends from distant dimensions whom all seem to have something in common. With Miles, they try work together to fix the hole that connects their universes, so that they can leave Miles’ world and go home.

Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse is intentionally fast paced and visually stunning. I really felt like I was watching a comic book magically move before my eyes. I really loved the different styles of the way the characters from the different universes were drawn, making it obvious that they don’t belong in Miles’ world. Honestly, words cannot describe how incredible this film is visually. I still can’t get over the designs of the characters, the city, the city under the influence of the hole in universe… basically everything is a deliciously infused treat for the eyes. I had the pleasure of viewing this film in IMAX 3D and I loved the experience so much, I can’t wait to do it again. This is the type of film that you need to see on the big screen, seriously. It is worth the experience if you can.

Although I had known of Miles’ character beforehand, I wasn’t fully aware of his backstory, and thus everything in this film was pretty much new to me. The twist and turns in not only his backstory, but the storyline was so exciting, vibrant and had so much depth. I found Miles very likable, humble and endearing. He is the ultimate underdog and genuinely wants to be kind, keep his promises and help people. It also helps that he has great taste in music too, with the soundtrack being extremely catchy. I admit to playing it on repeat ever since I watched the film. Shameik Moore, the voice actor of Miles, does an impressive job of breathing life into the character, helping Miles feel relatable and real. Actually, all cast voice acting in this film is top notch. In truth, I found this film hard to fault.

Despite its rich and fast-paced narrative, the film isn’t difficult to follow and will be easily understood by kids, adults, Marvel fans, comic book readers and new viewers alike. For those who don’t know about Miles Morales‘ journey, you’re in for one hell of a ride. For existing Spider-Man and comic-book fans who already know the story, there is plenty in this film for you as well. Not only is it great to finally see Miles as Spider-Man on the big screen, but there are also many little nods, tributes and ‘easter eggs’ to enjoy.

I went through a rollercoaster of emotions watching Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse; I laughed, I was surprised, I hung on the edge of my seat (quite literally) and I even cried. Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse is colourful, exciting, heart-warming, funny and is one of the best superhero films I have ever seen (this includes counting the live-action ones). I loved Miles’ character, I loved his spider world and I really hope they make a sequel soon which I would immediately swing to the cinemas to see. Not only is Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse one of the best superheroes films ever, but I believe it is also one of the best films of 2018, hands down. I loved it and yes, it is that amazing.

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One thought on “Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse – Film Review”

  1. Nubby says:

    Love the pun at the end =)
    No idea who Miles Morales is but I’m ready to find out

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